Garden Pictures

Vera Gade, Sweden

My garden in Lindö

My garden in Gröndal

Photo flora

Gardens in England


My gardener- ancestors:

Johan Petter Sundström, Ridtorp, Järfälla 1834 - min  morfars farbror (my m.f.f. brother).

Pehr Sundström, trädgårdsmästare och kronoarrendator i Solna. Född 25/9 1793
i Bärsta, Hackvad, Örebro län (min morfars farfar) (my m.f. f.f.)

Pehr Sundström, trädgårdsmästare i Örebro. Född 1767 i Enebytorp, Ekeby,
Örebro län. Gift 1/8 1793 i Hackvad. (morfars  farfarsfar) (my m.f. f.f. f.)

Carl Sundström, trädgårdsmästare i Närke och Stockholm Född 1771 i
Enebytorp, Ekeby, Örebro län. (min morfars  farfars farbror) (my m.f. f.f. f. brother)

Jacob Lundström, trädgårdsmästare i Närke. Född 1730 i Månskenet, Håtuna,
Uppsala län. (min morfars farfars morfar) (my m.f. f.f. m.f.).

Dottern  (morfars farfars mor) (my m.f. f.f. m.) Anna
Stina Lundström var gift med Pehr Sundström 1793 i Hackvad

Pehr Sundström ,trädgårdsmästare i Närke. Född 1736 i Hammar, Örebro län.
(min morfars farfars farfar) (my m.f. f.f. f.f.)

Garden Barn vitkål 50%

Sondöttrarna Mimmi och Sissel på vitkålslasset hos morfar trädgårdsmästare Bertil Karlsson i Fiskeby Trädgård. Före honom skötte morfarsfar Sigfrid Karlsson handelsträdgården.

My son's daughters - Mimmi and Sissel - on the cabbage-load at their granddad's- (my son's father-in-law) Bertil Karlsson- gardens at Fiskeby, Norrkoping. He took over the gardens after his father in turn – Sigfrid Karlsson born 1881 in Konungsund.

Garden Barn grönkål 50%

Sondottern Mimmi i grönkålslandet

Mimmi in the curlykale-field

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More Info

I started these Garden-Picture-pages mainly to answer a request from my gardening- friends in UK - the URGLERS. That's why I am writing in English - trying to, that is! Until my seventy-second year of life I never wrote a word in English, though I did read an spoke a lot. Hence I will most humbly ask you to be lenient with my peculiar English. I will be happy to receive any corrections you may find appropriate.

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Vera Gade

WEBB information

This homepage is written entirely with Microsoft Word 2000. The homepage is big and it will take some time to download with modem if you like to look at all the pictures at once. For that sake we divided the homepage into sections that you can download upon interest. The size of the pictures is 25kB up to aprox. 150 KB each and the bigger they are the higher quality they got. We tried to keep the size lowest possible but they must be enjoyable to look at on the computer-screen. The higher the resolution you got on your screen the better the pictures are shown.


The photographs in this webb page were made with the following equipment:

All photographs have been made using slide film except a few old ones. I used mainly Kodachrome 64 and some other slow films. Most of the slides were taken using my Nikkor camera (bought in Japan 1960) with various Nikkor AF-lenses. No tripod was used and I was always crawling on my knees close to the targets. The slides were scanned by using an AGFA Snap scan 50. Some new pictures were recently taken with a digital video camera type Sony DCR-TRV30E with 1.55 Mega pixels CCD.

Created: 2 January 2002 

Last update : 23 December 2009

File: Vera_Garden_Pictures.htm

©Vera Gade, Norrkoping, Sweden 2001-2009