A wall for some rock plants: here I show a small amount of the
flowers I have mostly grown from seeds. Many are short-lived here, but it's
nice to have made a brief encounter. |
1 |
The wall finished 1973 with Rosa hugonis, several Cytisus,
Genista, Aubrietia, Phlox subulata and Kerria japonica in the
foreground. |
2 Tove - the sweetest of all the flowers. |
3 Ranunculus
amplexicaulis - a buttercup
4 Fritillaria camschatcensis - Black sarana |
5 Saxifraga longifolia |
6 The White Dianthus arenarius and Lewisia |
7 Dianthus 'La Bourboule' |
8 Dianthus (in the wild), seedplant Nice |
9 Aquilegia glandulosa and Salix x boydii |
10 Aquilegia
glandulosa var. jucunda |
11 Semiaquilegia ecalcarata |
12 Hieracium villosum and Geranium subcaulescens 'Splendens' |
13 Geranium
cinereum 'Ballerina' |
14 Geranium
cinereum 'Ballerina' |
15 Geranium
dalmaticum |
16 Geranium
sanguineum var. striatum |
17 Eriogonum
umbellatum |
18 Erodium
manescavii |
19 Geranium
sessiliflorum var.nigricans |
20 Linum
'Gemmell's Hybrid' |
21 Genista
sagittalis |
22 Lychnis Arkwrightii Hybrid |
23 Sempervivum |
24 Sempervivum, closeup |
Created : 2 May 2002 Last update : 18 March 2010 |
ŠVera Gade, Norrkoping, Sweden 2001-2010 File: Vera_Garden_Wall.htm |