Here are some
pictures taken before "the new house" was built.
1 Corylus
avellana 'Contorta' - corkscrew hazel. Female flower with deep red styles
very early in spring |
2 Viburnum
3 Malus
sargentii with groundcover Galium odoratum - woodruff
4 Facing
south against the road with the grove to the left and "the
nursery" to the right.
5 Around
the corner facing eastward with the hawthorn hedge along the main road.
Rodgersia and Ligularia in the grove (planted in an old bathtub!)
6 Looking
through the grove to the nursery
7 Astilboides
8 The
"hot corner": Geranium sanguineum and Sedum acre, both from the
9 Rosa foetida 'Bicolor' and Salvia 'Ostfriesland'
10 Rosa
plus Achillea 'Coronation Gold' and Iris x regeliocyclus 'Vera'
11 Iris
Allium aflatunense and Iris 'Vera'. The old appletree in the
background |
13 Rudbeckia fulgida
'Goldsturm' |
14 The black-eyed Susan |
Monarda didyma |
16 Bergamot
17 The grass-path due north. In the
corner Pinus nigra. |
18 Around the corner: the lawn, looking east. In the border Gunnera
and Primula florindae |
19 Gunnera
20 Gunnera manicata with flower-spike |
21 |
One son
and a pickaxe - digging a hole for a bath-tube, to be the new home for a
Gunnera manicata. Now and then I waterlogged the tube by inserting an
root-hosepipe and the plant grew very large, flowering and setting seeds. I
propagated a new plant by cutting with a very sharp knife the fat new
shoot, you can see on the picture. In late autumn I covered the plant
with the huge leaves and when real frosts occurred I used more heavy
material (Rockwool) . It never suffered, although we have down to 25 degrees
C minus occasionally. |
22 Lysimachia clethroides - loosestrife and Eupatorium purpureum - Joe
Pye weed against Chamaecyparis pisifera filifera |
ŠVera Gade, Norrkoping, Sweden 2001-2010 Created : 13 April 2002 |
Vera_Garden_Grove.htm Last update : 18 March 2010 |